Open License Manager with the desktop icon or from the Start menu. Execution file is available in C:\Program Files\Common Files\CGSARLM
1 Online activation
If you have access to the internet, choose the Online sign license tab. There you have Host ID (this is your computer's Host ID) already filled in.
Enter the provided serial number and click Activate. By default, port number 5055 is used. We recommend to use this port number, but if you would want to change another, you can change it in this dialog.
If license was successfully activated, you get this message.
In case of unsuccessful activation, please first check if you have a limited internet connection (consult your IT if there are any limitations on your internet connections). The next step is to try manual activation. If this also doesn’t work, please collect warning/error messages and contact your dealer or CGS Labs support.
2 Manual activation
If you don’t have access to the internet, then you have to choose the Manual sign license tab. Here also you have Host ID (this is your computer's Host ID) already filled in.
Enter the provided serial number and click Copy parameters.
You get this message box with an URL link. After you click OK, this URL is copied to your clipboard.
Copy this URL to a computer with internet access and there paste it to a web browser. A CGS Labs Partner portal for Manual license activation is opened. All the parameters are already filled in. Click Activate license and save the .pwd file.
Copy this .pwd file back to your computer and under your License Manager (Manual sign license tab) click Open lic file.
Choose the copied pwd file, and you get the message that License is successfully activated.
In case of unsuccessful activation, please collect warning/error messages and contact your dealer or CGS Labs support.